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SpellBox is an AI-powered coding assistant that helps coders save time by generating code instantly with a one-year subscription and a free 7-day trial.
SpellBox is a coding assistant that uses artificial intelligence to generate code from simple prompts in a few seconds. It supports all languages, including Python, Java, and C++. With the purchase of a SpellBox license, users are able to generate unlimited code instantly. The license comes with a one-year subscription and is available on both macOS and Windows. Additionally, users can get a free 7-day trial without a credit card. SpellBox also allows users to bookmark generated code and access it later. The early bird license price is $30 and the regular price is $60. SpellBox is a revolutionary tool that helps coders save time and energy. With the help of AI technology, users can quickly generate code without having to write it from scratch. With a license, users have access to unlimited code generation, which allows them to quickly complete projects. The free trial is a great way for users to test out SpellBox and determine if it is the right tool for their coding needs.
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