Simply paste your code and any error messages. Our AI analyzes the issue and provides a corrected version with a detailed explanation.
We support all major programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, Ruby, Go, and many more.
Our AI model has been trained on millions of code examples and real bug fixes, achieving high accuracy rates. Each fix comes with an explanation so you can verify its correctness.
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Yes! We take security seriously. Your code is processed on our own servers in Germany, never using external cloud providers. All data is stored securely in German data centers, ensuring maximum data protection and GDPR compliance.
Your code is processed by our self-hosted language model running on our secure servers in Germany. We don't use any external AI providers or cloud services, ensuring complete control over your data.
We are 100% GDPR compliant. All data processing and storage happens exclusively in Germany, and we maintain full control over the entire infrastructure.
We use a state-of-the-art language model that we host and maintain on our own servers in Germany, ensuring fast response times and complete data privacy.
Fix This Bug offers powerful features for a streamlined debugging workflow, including AI-powered analysis and detailed explanations for each fix.
Free users have a daily limit. To benefit from unlimited fixes, users should sign up for an account.