Biggles - The Talkable Coding Assistant

Biggles, the coding assistant available as an extension in VS Code, allows developers to interactively manage their codebase through voice or text commands. Using OpenAI's Whisper and ChatGPT APIs, Biggles can insert new code at the cursor's location or modify selected code blocks based on user instructions. Although it enhances coding productivity with voice recognition and context-aware code modification, Biggles is currently limited to two primary operations: inserting new code and modifying existing code, within the context immediately surrounding the cursor.

Key Features

voice control
code modification
VS Code
OpenAI integration


  • Facilitates hands-free coding through voice commands.
  • Integrates directly with VS Code, a popular IDE.
  • Allows for quick code insertion and modification.
  • Utilizes advanced AI models like Whisper and ChatGPT.
  • Customizable context length for better code understanding.


  • Limited awareness of entire codebase.
  • Can only perform basic operations: insert and modify.
  • Depends on external OpenAI API and requires a key.
  • May not support complex code manipulations.
  • Voice and text features limited to current cursor context.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Biggles?

Biggles is a coding assistant for VS Code that allows developers to insert or modify code using voice or text instructions.

How does Biggles work?

Biggles works with OpenAI Whisper and ChatGPT APIs, using an API key to understand commands and provide context-aware coding assistance.

What are the two main functions of Biggles?

Biggles can insert new code at the cursor position and modify existing code based on the user instructions.

Does Biggles work without an OpenAI API key?

No, you must provide your own OpenAI API key for Biggles to function.

What is necessary to start using voice commands with Biggles?

Press CMD+M/CTRL+M to initiate voice command mode and speak your coding instructions.

Can Biggles handle complex code tasks like moving code around?

No, Biggles is currently limited to inserting and modifying code and cannot move code around.

What IDE supports Biggles?

Biggles is available as an extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

How can you enter a text instruction in Biggles?

Press CMD+ALT+M/CTRL+ALT+M to enter a text instruction for Biggles.

What limitations does Biggles have regarding code awareness?

Biggles has limited awareness and only knows about the code near the cursor position.

Can you adjust how much code context is sent to ChatGPT?

Yes, you can change the number of tokens of context sent to ChatGPT in the settings.

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