Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar, developed by the Allen Institute for AI, is a cutting-edge, AI-powered research tool that offers access to over 224 million scientific papers across various fields. It also features tools like the Semantic Reader, an augmented reading platform that enhances paper accessibility with rich contextual data. With its improved API, developers can easily integrate paper search capabilities into their applications.

Key Features

Scientific Research
Literature Analysis
Semantic Reader
Research Tool


  • Offers free access to a vast database of scientific papers.
  • AI-enhanced features for more efficient literature navigation and analysis.
  • Integration-ready API for developers.
  • Supports inclusivity in AI research by reducing costs.
  • Rich contextual data available through the Semantic Reader.


  • Limited to scientific literature, not suitable for other industries.
  • Might not cover the very latest publications immediately.
  • Beta features like Semantic Reader may have limited availability.
  • AI interpretations might not always match human reading demands.
  • Potential data privacy concerns during account creation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Semantic Scholar?

Semantic Scholar is an AI-powered research tool for accessing and analyzing scientific literature across various fields.

How many papers does Semantic Scholar provide access to?

Semantic Scholar provides access to over 224 million scientific papers.

What is the Semantic Reader?

The Semantic Reader is an augmented reading tool that enhances the accessibility and context of scientific papers.

What new capabilities does the Semantic Scholar API provide?

The updated API allows developers to utilize paper search, with improved documentation and stability, for building scholarly apps.

Who developed Semantic Scholar?

Semantic Scholar is developed by the Allen Institute for AI.

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