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Stenography is an automated documentation tool designed to help developers quickly and easily document their codebase, with privacy-protecting features and an API for customization.
Stenography is an automated documentation tool designed to help developers quickly and easily document their codebase. It is a Visual Studio Code (VSC) extension that can be integrated into any codebase, allowing developers to pass in code and receive an explanation in plain English. Stenography also has features that integrate with Stack Overflow and other web sources to provide linked documentation. Additionally, Stenography has an API that allows developers to customize the experience to their heart's content. Lastly, developers can call the API 250 times per month for free, with the option to purchase more invocations if needed. Stenography was built by Bram Adams, an OpenAI Developer Ambassador and GPT-3 O'Reilly Media instructor, and is committed to protecting user privacy by using a passthrough API and not storing code. Developers can learn more about Stenography, view a live running list of examples and extensions, and contact the company by visiting the official website.
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